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boxer stool

19 15:57:14

We have a 13 week old female and she has not been eating. She would take a couple bites and then leave it. Yesterday I decided to put a little water in her food to soften it up and she devoured it all and then some. Today she did the same devoured all her meals like she was starving. My said that she pooped about 5 times in a couple of hours today and two the stools were red. Should I be worried? Also we take her to puppy school were she gets treats and I bought a different kind this time and I don't know if this could cause a problem. Thanks for your help!

Hi Andrew,

She's probably started teething, which can make it uncomfortable for her to eat hard kibble.  Soaking her food is appropriate for now, and in fact many people soak the food until 6 months or longer (some always soak it).  The increased stool is related to the increased food intake - keep an eye on her weight now that she's eating so well!  By "red" I'm guessing there was some blood on it?  This could be from the increased food, it could be from a change in the treats, or something else she's eaten that has caused some irritation - or from something else entirely.  In most cases, if there are just a few streaks of blood, it's a transient thing that won't last more than a day or two.  If there is a lot of blood, if it is dark rather than bright (old rather than new), or if it lasts more than a couple of days, then a vet check is probably a good idea (bring a stool sample).  

Good luck!!
