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boxers questions

19 15:56:49

Hi, my brother is in the marines and recently bought a boxer.  she is close to a year old and pretty obedient for the most part.  He has been deployed to iraq and Lacey (the boxer) has been staying with my parents...she normally is an house dog, but they have been keeping her outside for the last 2 months.  My question husband and i just bought a home and would love to take her, however we have a 14 month old and are somewhat hesitant.  so far she has shown great self-control when they are around each other...but i am not familiar with this breed at all, so i wanted an expert opinion.  I am also nervous about the stability of her environments over the last few months...could this affect her behavior?  She really is a beautiful, sweet dog and i am already in love...i may not be able to give her back. :)

Boxers can not live outside. Period.

Yes, you can take her. Boxers love children and are protective of them.

But, as in all dogs and breeds, don't leave the baby on a blanket on the floor. Use a playpen.

It is best for the baby to grow with Lacy.