Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 9 yr. old boxer

9 yr. old boxer

19 15:47:35

I have a 9 yr. old boxer that is peeing a lot of blood. At first we thought she was in heat, but now is peeing alot of blood and not just when she pees. if you can explain this to me and let me know what to do about this I would greatly appreciate.

Aside from being in heat- blood in urine is a concern for kidney and/or bladder problems.

This is not normal. When in heat, you may see more blood during urination- but not when she is not in a heat cycle.

She is 9 years old- a senior.

This is a symptom of a problem- and I would say a serious problem.

Get her to your vet ASAP--- note any other symptoms: behavior, sleepiness, tiredness, not eating or drinking, nervousness, anxiousness, or lack of, anything unusual. This will help lead the vet to the right test.

If at all possible, before you leave to go to the vet, collect a urine and a feces sample to take with you.

They will probably draw blood and run a blood test, examine urine, feces, and more.

Get her to your vet- you probably can walk in without an appointment due to "bleeding."

Let me know in a follow-up what the vet diagnosed- please.

Good luck.