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female boxer snapping and growling

19 15:45:46

QUESTION: our 2 year old boxer is in heat and she is snapping and growling at our 4 year old son. this has never happened before and she has done it 3 or 4 times in the last 2 weeks, could this be from being in heat?

ANSWER: Hi Angela,

Yes it could be but it may not be as well. Keep the dog crated and away from your son and others. Take her to the vet and have her checked out. I would also call in a behaviorist in your local area ASAP to help. In home evaluation is much needed in these types of cases. Thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: also i might add that the boxer has an ear infection so my son will be taking her to the dr. she has never snapped or growled before at my grandson, and she has been with them since she was a pup she is now 2 years old could the ear problem has something to do with it and should we be worried about her behavior?

Hi Angela,

Yes any time a dog is snapping and growling you should be worried , there is a reason and for safety reasons its best to isolate the dog away from children and others until the problem can be handled and diagnosed properly by your vet and a in house consultation with a behaviorist/trainer to help address the problems and possible causes if not health related.The behaviorist or trainer can help you and your family with detailed strategies to eradicate the problems if its not health related. I would not recommend taking the behavior lightly and get to the bottom of it with the vet and behaviorist/trainer. Without a professional coming to your house to observe the dog, the family and the behaviors it will be impossible to help you, as I can not see what is actually going on. Surely the dog is miserable being in heat and having a ear infection at the same time, and its common for dogs to snap and growl when in pain or out of fear but I would not take any chances. Please ask your vet and a local behaviorist for their opinions and recommendations as well.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant