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2 female boxers

19 15:45:44

I have 2 female boxers age 5.  I did not know about the danger of having 2 females in one household.  They have gotten into about 2 or 3 bad fights, drawing lots of blood.  This usually starts around my 2 yr old daughter with the dominate ones either worried or jealous when she is around the other one, otherwise these dogs are inseparable, sleeping together, cleaning eachother etc.  Without getting rid of one do you have any suggestions?  They both are great dogs and never violent towards us or anyone else.  Would getting another male boxer help to ease things or make matters worse?

 Hi Nicole,

Once the females have drawn blood from each other they most likely will not get along and are most likely to continue this behavior. It seems they hold grudges so to speak. Please reconsider re-homing one of them, it would be best for all. The safety of your two year old is a real concern as when the dogs are in this fight mode they may very well unintentionally harm your daughter or other humans who try to break up the fight. When dogs are in that mode of behavior they can bite anyone who touches, gets near or tries to break the fight up, they will not be able to distinguish foe or friend and will turn on them, even for a split second until they realize its a human, by the time this happens someone has usually been bitten. If you add a male to the group you will most likely cause additional pack mentality and more problems and fights. If you re-homed one of the females and got a male then the outcome is more favorable. Spaying the females may provide some benefit but is unlikely after they have drawn blood and have issues with each other. This is my experience of having this breed for more than 40 years. You might consider bringing in a trainer or behaviorist for a home visit and get additional opinions and observations to help you make a hard decision as I know you care for both dogs.
Thank you so much for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant