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My 17 mounth old boxer boy

19 15:46:54

Hi my name is jenifer i have a beautiful boxer named jack, he is a great dog and we love him to piece, but he just wont put on weight we feed him 1-2 large bowls of natural balance food a day and every other day we add in a can of wet food with it, i know that boxers are skinny dogs but you can see jacks back bone as well as hips, I have taken him to the vet and they say hes healthy but he eats so mush and still is so thin I don't really know what to do for him?

Hi Jenifer,
Jack should be eating 4-5 cups of food a day or look at the label on the food you are feeding and see how much it says for a grown dog 75-85 lbs and feed accordingly. Have your vet check for hookworms as these parasites are hard to detect and cause weightloss like you are describing.I also give my own boxers a supplement called NuVet Plus which can be obtained online at their website., good luck and thanks for your question.
Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant