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Boxer Cough

19 15:49:39

Hello, I have a 5 year old female boxer and I've noticed lately that whenever she is excited and is playing with a toy or person for a few minutes, she starts to hack.  She never did this as a puppy, at least not nearly as often, if ever.  It always seems as though she has something caught in her throat that she is trying to dislodge.  There is never anything that comes out of her mouth but it is very loud and she does it over and over for a bit and then she's fine.  I was just curious as to what may cause her to do this all the time.  Thanks!!

She's getting overly excited.

My female does that-- especially when playing in the water hose and drinking from it while playing.

If she obeys commands well, tell her to get a drink of water.

It's just over-excitement and she gets dry mouth and all.