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I think my Rocky has hives

19 15:48:44


Rocky says Thanks for
Hello Jannie, I stumbled across a similar question however I may have a different case. Rocky is 8months and yesterday, Saturday morning at like 6am i noticed he had bumps all over his coat. I bathed him with an anti itch oatmeal wash and that seemed to subside his itching. I also ran to the drug store and gave him benadryl 25mg gave him 2 of those (he weighs 50pounds)...funny thing is at like 10 I took him out and between 5-10mins the bumps disappeared. I took him back to the house and it came back. I took him out again and it disappeared. The vet said that it was weird and believed that its environmental and there is something in my home that is causing him allergies. I had him on royal canin HE intestinal diet and he was fine but I decided to take him off of the food because I did research and it is filled with fillers and corn, so I switched him to Innova. Yet before the Innova I havent noticed him having bumps so I am assuming it is the food. Are there other things in a home that may activate allergies to a boxer? Detergent, dirt etc? I have had him for 5months and this is the 1st time I have seen him with bumps.

Thank You

First, join and check the forums and post the problem there-- those people are Boxer owners and lovers and might have had a similar problem.

Food is a culprit- but you said the bumps go away outside, and come back when inside. Food allergies wouldn't do that.

Something in the house is causing the allergy. Bedding? Carpet? Something-- and be sure to use stainless steel food and water bowls. Boxers can be very prone to plastic allergies.

Try a test and remove things one by one and keep a diary on it and see what happens.

Let me know what happens and what you find on the Boxerworld forums, okay?

Rocky is gorgeous! (My daughter's Boxer's name is Rocky)