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when is my boxer going to have her pups?

19 15:54:28

Hi, I am not sure of my boxers due date. She is showing all signs of being pregnant though. I was just wondering how to tell when we are getting close to time and what to do!!!??? I am gettin really nervous for her and She has been vominting a few times today is that a bad sign? Thank you so much I hope you can help me!


There isn't enough room on this Q & A to fully answer you.

First, you should have kept a heat cycle calendar on her.

Secondly, you should know when she mated to have the 58-63 gestation day due date.

Thirdly, you should have educated yourself on breeding, whelping (birth) and the all abundant supplies that you will need, and then, caring for newborn puppies-- in advance.

A newborn can not even regulate his body temperature until 8-10 days old. Keeping them warm with a heating pad and heat lamp until then is crucial or they will get pneumonia and die.

You should have a whelping box for mama to give birth in and care for her newborns.

Supplies for the whelping (birthing) is tremendous:

Wash cloths
Towels, towels and more towels
Unwaxed dental floss to tie off their cords if mama doesn't
Hemostates to clamp the cord
KNOWING HOW AND WHERE TO CUT THE CORDS-- or you will cause the puppy to hemmorage and bleed to death...
Heating pad
Blankets, blanket, and more blankets (for constant changing the whelping box)
Sterile gauze
Diabetic Glucose Booster (liquid) to give mom during labor
Pediolyte to give mom during labor
Canine replacement milk and pet bottle in case she doesn't get milk in a few days (it's antibiotics the first couple days- not milk)

I could go on....

If she's vomiting and NOT in labor, you might have a problem.

It isn't uncommon for mild vomiting, in labor, excessive using the bathroom, a clear or milky discharge, not eating, pacing, restlessness, and more while approaching labor or in labor. Once in labor, she will pant the entire time for hours.

You need to get Online and Google "whelping" and "how to whelp puppies."

You need a crash course and NOW.

You need to call your vet.

You need to prepare-- or allow the vet to deliver.

Are you aware she could even need a C-section due to an obstruction? That's a large puppy that isn't getting delivered and stuck in her birth canal.

There is soooooooooo very much involved here and you do not have time to learn it all- so get busy.

CALL you VET about the "few times a day vomitting."  That is not normal.