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Boxers Nipples

19 15:45:49

I have a 3.5 yr old boxer, whom had puppies back in Sept of 2009. She is good spirits and very active. My concern is, recently I have noticed that her two back nipples have become enlarged and are hard to the touch. Should I be concerned or is this common after they have had a litter of pups.

First question is, has she weened the pups? Some moms allow the pups to nurse and never ween them (if you still have them).

Her nipples might even be blacker colored than the normal pinkish color. Once a female has has pups, her nipples will usually remain elongated and darker, sometimes harder.

If it is just the nipple that are enlarged and hard, and not the fatty skin tissue indicating she is still producing milk, then it either could be normal because the puppies nurse those more than the others (back tits seem to produce the most abundant supply of milk, therefore, pups prefer those)...or a problem of sorts.

I would take her into your vet for a wellness check up since she whelped puppies 4 months ago, and let the vet see the nipples, check her uterus and the usual check up to be sure she is okay and healthy.

Having puppies is traumatic to her body.

Please consider talking to your vet about spaying her now that she's had a litter and is 3 1/2 years old. I recommend no more than one litter and never after 4 years old- ever.

This is a good time to talk to the vet about spaying. It will ensure she doesn't get pregnant again, and help increase her chances of a healthy uterus and tits. Boxers are prone to reproductive cancers and spaying and neutering helps keep them healthier and reduces the chance of cancer.