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Is my Boxer purebread

19 15:50:37


the two puppies
we paid $900 for a purebred boxer.  We have no intentions of giving him back, we love him,  But we don't think he is a purebred.  Does not have the square boxer head, also longer softer coat unlike most boxers.  Breeder said we would get papers when we have him neutered.  We paid for a purebred, just kinda bugging us, is he a purebred???Are there purebred boxers with these features??  We may be wrong?  The puppy in the picture is the one were questioning.  The other older boxer came from a different breeder.  Thanks

Nothing in the picture screams "mixed breed" to me.  Puppies often have longer, softer coats; these generally change as they mature to the short, tight coat of an adult.  Heads also go through a lot of changes from puppyhood to maturity.  As well, if the breeder is not paying strict attention to the standard, the head can revert more toward a 'wild-type' (wolfish, as far as shape goes - narrower, rounded head; narrow, longer muzzle).

Enjoy your puppy!