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first heat

19 15:55:56

hi, i have a 15 month old female boxer that just went into heat. i know that generally a female's heat will last about 3-4 weeks but i didn't know that since its her first one if things might go a little differently. I have read a lot about heats just can't seem to find a lot about the first heat. thank you for your help.

You didn't find anything on a first heat because they are no different than the following heats to come.

Most last 28 days. And generally are 5-6 months apart. So she will be in season twice a year.

If she does not have 2 per year this next-- her 2nd heat within the next 5-6 months, then take her to the vet for a thyroid test. Thyroid imbalance requiring thyroid medicine once per twice a day, can cause her to skip a heat, and render her infertile as well, or loose puppies.

So, be calm, be patient, she will cycle 28 days or so, and not again until 5-6 months from now.

In the meantime, get her a pair of "seasonal" panties that you can put mini pads in to retain her flow.

Keep her away from males. It only takes a minute to impregnate her. And they will remain stuck together for 15-20 minutes to "guarantee" fertilization. Males can not help themselves and will jump fences, etc. and the female will entice him as much as possible to get him to mate her. I am going through that now with my daughter's male and my female in her first heat since having her first litter this past February.

My female is 3 1/2 almost 4. Your girl is way too young to have puppies. Don't breed her until she is over 2 years old.