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Boxer dry and scabby nose

19 15:55:56

Hello Jennifer,

I have a 9 month old female boxer (Bella) who always has a dry and scabby nose. Its not wet at all and hasn't been for a while now. The skin on her nose appears seperated, rough and not moist at all, she sometimes gathers dryed up snot on the outside that is easily picked off without any harm to her. Any suggestions on why and what I can do to help her.



Hi Steph,

If these are actual scabs which are bleeding underneath, I'd have a vet check her as there could be many things going on.  If it's just some dry nose leather, this is not uncommon in Boxers (or many breeds), especially if they do a lot of digging, or if they're eating or drinking out of plastic bowls.  You can use a bit of Vaseline or Neosporin ointment rubbed into the top of the nose to soften the leather; it helps with removing dirt, as well.  Some dogs have a condition called hyperkeratosis, which is an overgrowth of the leather (like a 'ridge' where the leather meets the skin); there are some special creams or ointments that can help with that condition, though in minor cases sometimes Vaseline or Neosporin are all that's needed.