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No puppy energy

19 15:47:46

I have an 8 week male boxer.  He has been eating, peeing, pooping, but very little activity.  He's almost lethargic or depressed.  His feces seem visible parasite.  He just won't play.  I have another dog (yorkie/peke mix).  He does try to play (defined as walking towards her), but she runs; he does not run after her.  He just sits with sad eyes then goes to his bed or on someone's lap and sleeps.  The only odd thing is he has a white tongue and gums.  (The only time he seemed normal (perky) was when he smelled people food)  Thanks so much.

Hollie, you need to get him to your vet immediately.

The white gums is a symptom of shock.

When an animal is in shock, for whatever reason, whether poisoning, organ failure, or whatever, they can die very quickly.

White gums is always a sign of shock.

Since he has white gums, is lethargic, and appears depressed, warrants a trip to the vet immediately.

Don't even wait to get an appointment- take him in immediately and explain to them- they will treat him as an emergency.

Please let me know what the vet said. Please.