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19 15:47:51

How long after green discharge shows will my boxer have pups?

If the discharge is mild and not heavy- it is normal but my Boxers never had a green discharge until after whelping puppies- which is very normal and expected.

You needed to educate yourself about labor and whelping puppies and caring for newborns as well as mom- long before now.

There is a wealth of info to know to be ready for- and her temperature lowering is a sign; dogs temperature are normally 102-- and when in labor, it lowers to 98-97-etc. (thereabout) and the bitch will pant, pace, circle, nest, scrap around digging, and have unusual behavior.

She will refuse to eat and drink and having unflavored, clear Pediolyte (or generic) around to offer is optimal. Even a diabetic glucose booster- -which is a flavored gel of glucose that you can squirt in her mouth during this labor for extra energy due to her blood sugars lowering during whelping.

You need a basket or place to put newborns as they arrive. A heating pad set on warm setting , a couple of blankets over on top of it (or heavy bath towels), and a blanket draped over the basket closing it off and sealing it-- is warranted. Newborn pups cannot regulate their body temperatures for 7-10 days and can die due to being cold. This is the most common cause of newborn death and critical that you keep them warm- there body temperature should be in the 90s.

There bodies should remain warm in the basket with the heating pad until mom is finished with delivering all puppies- and they should feel warm to you when you hold one. If not-- warm them more, raising the heating pad temperature setting, using a heat lamp or lamp aimed directly at the basket, drape more blankets over the basket.

When mom is finished and it's time to give babies back to her- make sure her whelping box -- yes a whelping box is a pen or box that has raised edges for her it get in but pups cannot crawl out of-- is warm and draped with blankets to keep drafts out- and clean, changing it often to keep the area clean.

Babies cannot see or hear; their eyes are sealed shut and their ears are still sealed shut. All they can do is smell and sense her body heat and will scoot and crawl to her for nursing and to get warm. She will nurse them and lick their genitals to stimulate their urination and defecation because they cannot do it on their own, She will lick them for a day or so, cleaning them, and lick their genitals each time they nurse and often other times on a regular basis.

These newborns must remain warm- I cannot stress this enough. Do not be tempted to handle them, and do not allow others to touch them-- mom will be aggressive toward people and other animals and can attack in order to protect her pups. She needs to be in a quiet and secluded place to remain peaceful and calm and to care for her newborns in private.

Please check out whelping box and breeding info:

Newborn care:

(identifying pups)

Here is whelping info that I answered before:

Here is a link about the subject from another expert here: