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boxer puppy (12 weeks)

19 15:47:05


We've got the puppy when she was 8 weeks, came with the 1st shot. We've got her home two days, she had diarrhea, she was admitted in the hospital 2 nights, found out it was Giardia. She was on Panacur for 2 weeks, didn't work, now she has a new one called "Drontal Plus" for another 5 days. We are concerned about she has not been able to socialize with any dogs, and we think she is getting/having aggressive behavior such as growling at other dogs etc.
My questions are:
1) can she has the 2nd shot while on medication?
2) the vet has suggested giving her "Medical Gastro" for food, will she have enough nutrition? we have "Maxi Puppy 30" but we do not feed her on that.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated. We are so concerned about her socialization !!!!

Gardia is a communal disease that you and your family can get from her because it is contagious.

I hope your vet explained all that to you.

Here is a link to the disease.

You had the right to take the puppy back and get a refund within that 2 days due to severe health problems.

However, you didn't and now you must continue to see the vet for follow ups to test her again and to make sure she is over the Gardia. If not, she could die left with ineffective medicine and no follow ups.

So, be sure to take her back and insist on tests. You can take a fecal sample with you, because it is an intestinal disease, although curable in 80% of cases. You want to ensure you are in that 80%.

The breeder is not a reputable breeder. This does not happen with reputable breeders because it is caused by contaminated water, close crowed environments, etc.

This is the result- and if one puppy has it, they all do. I would sue the breeder in small claims court.

Now, the diet.

She is too skinny, and her ribs show, She should be a fat, rolly-polly puppy- a baby with baby fat. She is not.

The vet recommended Medical Gastro food because Gardia is a gastrointestinal disease. You must feed her a gastrointestinal food to ease the symptoms and pain of her stomach while being treated, and to take the hardship off her gastrointestinal tract too.

So yes, buy it from her vet and feed her that until the vet says she is 100% well.

Then, I would look for an all natural or organic puppy food without corn, without corn glutens, without any glutens, and no by-products and additives, and stick to that.

If you can find that in a puppy food for sensitive stomachs- buy that. Search Online for all natural, organic puppy foods.
You can order Online and have it shipped to your home. You'll have time researching these because you will be feeding her the vet puppy food in the meantime.

Ask your vet when she should have her next series of shots- only he or she knows the answer to that. Sometimes the vet will delay the shots due to a gastric problem or other health problem until cured, because shots can cause low fever and other symptoms in some puppies, and her immune system is compromised now.

I don't know anything about Maxi Puppy 30 puppy food. Does it have corn, corn glutens, glutens, and by-products? If so, do not give it to her. Donate it to a shelter.

I have a great homemade "orphan formula" I developed, but I don't think it would be good since her stomach is compromised,

Ask the vet for a calorie supplement. You can buy it from the vet. It is in a tube (usually) and tastes good, and give it to her according to vet instructions. This will help her gain weight and fill out.

So, go back to your vet for tests, follow ups, the high calorie supplement, questions about the shots, and buy the food.