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Old boxer drinking and urinating

19 15:39:40

Why is my 13 yr old boxer drinking a lot of water and can't control his urinating in the house?

Being 13 years old at end of life senior stage, which is extremely old for a Boxer whose average life span is 10 years, he is like any elderly person, incontinence. If he were a person, he would wear Depends.

As far as drinking a lot of water, that could be a sign of diabetes or other related ailments.

The only thing you can do is 1) take him to your vet to check for problems, i.e. urinary infections, kidney problems, diabetes, thyroid problems, etc.

You can buy him a doggie pantie: buy a pantie for female Boxers in heat that you put pads in, or a special pantie for older dogs with incontinence.

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