Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 3 year old female with large bump on gums

3 year old female with large bump on gums

19 15:58:09

I have just got a 3 year old female boxer with in the last 2 days and i looked at her teeth and she is missing her lower left canine. she had a bad under bite and when i looked at her top set she had a large cauliflower like pink bump kind of hard kind of soft on her gums. what could it be?

Hi Erica,

Boxers are known for proliferating gum disease, or in other words, a disease in which the gums overgrow the teeth.  It's very important that you get her to the veterinarian.

While it's more than likely not causing any major problems right now, in the future, food particles are likely to get trapped under that section of gum and cause infection.  An unchecked infection can then cause tooth decay which can be very painful.

Your dentist may have to put your dog under anesthesia to correct the problem and will have you begin to practice oral hygiene with your girl.

In case you don't know, and if you did, forgive me, all Boxers have an underbite.  If hers is more pronounced, it still may be normal although would disqualify her from showing.  :)