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7 month old Boxer

19 15:46:25

Hi, I guess my issue is similar to a recent post about my boxer boy play biting, it has gotten out of control now he has all adult teeth and it is beginning to hurt, he is also getting rough with my son, at first it would stop if I shot a look at the dog now he does in spite of me. Know i will admit my son takes a lot of the blame but the puppy we thought had learned the difference between us and the baby. I was wondering if the whistle could be a dog whistle since most of this happens after the baby is in bed. The other question is how much exercise he should get the vet said to limit heavy runs and over exertion because of growing bones. We also live in New england and it gets cold so I hesitate to take him to the park so he spends more time in the crate now since we both work full time. Any advise would help my wife is getting fed up and wants some resolution

Hello Michael,

I would try the dog whistle and see how that goes before trying a regular whistle. It might be better so not to disturb and scare your son.

Yes, limited exercise for a pup is correct. Normal running and playing in a fenced backyard is usually enough, and short walks.

Spending all day in a crate causes behavior problems: long confined periods makes him cut loose and more aggressive once out and free.

I suggest another alternative. Crate for no more than a few hours and a pet sitter or someone let him out and go outside to pee, etc. and play and have time out of the crate twice a day.