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Adopted 2yr old Boxer

19 15:39:56

Just adopted a Boxer 1 month ago. Was told she 3 ish,( more like 2) Deaf, (not). I have 2 poms already and she gets along pretty well with them.  She has obviously had several litters and is now fixed.  She HATES any dog that is outside of the house. Tried to take her to the beach- big mistake. Just had her in the yard and a dog ran by in the street- she went crazy! When she gets so upset or excited she has spots on her head that bleed. Any advice on calming her down around strange dogs? My female Pom is the Boss at 8 lbs. The boy pom is just happy if Bonnie ignores him. She was dumped at the pound,saved by a rescue and then came to me. In the house the biggest problem is her "excitement " when we come home. 2 poms in 1 room and her in another separated by a gate all day. Seems to be working OK.  Thanks in advance!!!

What do you mean by, "Deaf, (not)."??? Is she a white Boxer that is NOT deaf?

"Spots" on her head that bleed? What is that? I have not heard of spots bleeding before. Have you asked the vet about that?

You said she was "dumped" at the pound, then saved by a rescue... a rescue shelter for Boxers only, or any breed of dog? Do they know her history and do they know about the spots that bleed? What was her behavior at the rescue shelter?

Untrained Boxers (because of Boxer characteristics) will get excited when family comes home, jump up, run in circles sometimes, wiggle and wag their butts.... It's normal but you can train to settle down somewhat and behave better. It is a natural trait of the Boxer breed.

I am uncertain of the question here.

Are you asking about the aggression to other dogs?

Her history of being untrained and dumped proves she was probably in a bad situation; maybe chained up outside and stray dogs, or other dogs in her home, tried to harm her, take her food, fight her, bother her, or anything- who knows? Only knowing her prior history can help in the situation of aggression.

If you want to try to modify her behavior, I suggest you buy a whistle, and blow it every time she is misbehaving. Then, you could either leash her and segregate her in a time out, or simply verbally reprimand her. The key is for her to soon associate the sound of the whistle with bad behavior.

As far as dog aggression goes; do not take her to public areas as you previously have. Instead, leash or harness her and take her for training walks. Be prepared for aggression when she sees another dog and tighten the leash, stop, command her to sit, (hoping you have taught her to sit on command- if not, do so... train her to) take her mind-set and attention on you elsewhere from the dog. Give her a treat and praise her for obeying.

Practice the walks and training.

If she barks and gets aggressive from her back yard or inside the house, blow the whistle and remove her from the source.

This will take time and patience.

I suggest you watch "Dog Whisperer" on national geography channel (I think that is the channel) and learn what Cesar Millam does and says. You can watch his video episodes online if you cannot get it on your television cable or satellite.