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Fancy fawn boxer

19 15:41:18

What are the characteristics of a fancy fawn I have heard both white markings on the face and a white fur collar all the way around the neck if u could answer this question for me it would be very helpful thank u very much

Fawn is the color as Brindle is the colors which are striped.

There is a fancy marking and a classic marking; fancy can have a white blaze running down the face, white "sock" feet, more white on chest, etc. and the classic only has minimal white markings which is the chest and some toes (occasionally some sock feet) but no blaze on the face.

Most Fawns are full black mask with white markings on the chest and white tipped toes that can vary or have no marking.

Fancy is on face (blaze) and chest, and feet; but the blaze face is definitely a fancy.