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Aggressive Boxer

19 15:48:02

We have had our Boxer for just over 2 years.  He was such a great dog until I had a baby last October. I had visioned going on walks and it being wonderful.  
Now, when we go on walks, Duke, our Boxer will bark, growl, bite at his collar, bite at the stroller, bite at my other dog Soffe (Weim), and just go nuts.  He is even starting to do this when it's just people and no dogs.  I am to the point where I cannot control him.

I have tried to walk past quickly to divert his attention. I have tried a spray bark collar. I have tried a clicker. I feel like I cannot control him.

You  should know that when i take just the Weim out, there is no problem.  It seems to be only a problem when it is just me, the baby in stoller, Duke, and Soffe.  PLEASE HELP!!

Hi Sarah,

If you are in the tri-states area of MS, AR and TN I will be glad to come out and help you, if not then my best advice is you need to get a trainer or behaviorist locally to come to your home to help you. Please let me know if your in my area. Stop taking Duke out until you can get the behaviorist or trainer to come to your home, its best to be safe than sorry. I believe your boxer is trying to protect you and the baby from the stroller, dogs and people. It isn't that unusual for boxers/dogs to have this type of behavior when a baby is introduced to the household or unfamiliar objects that move like the stroller. You can rehabilitate this behavior with the right guidance so don't give up. Call local vets for references, look in the phonebook and Internet for someone local to help you.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant