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boxer vs other breeds

19 15:41:57

Hello. I am a huge dog lover and have multiple dogs. I am in the midst of raising and training a pitbull puppy which is going Very well shes responding to training better then my labrador retreiver did as a pup! Anway my questions are

Boxers as a breed in general are they more active then the breeds mentioned above or about the same? So would require about the same exercise?

Are they considered a smart breed or no?

And do they make snorty grunty snuffeling sounds on account of the pushed in face?

I deffinitly dont want another puppy right now but have always had a fondness for these dogs and would like to know more about there general persoanility/temperment? Also if buying a white boxer...most people offer them for sale with a hearing test already done...thats all thats required when buying a white or is there more problems that color encounters? Thank you!

Tara, I won't go into the Boxer personality, traits, characteristics here. There are too many. There is too much about the breed; prone to cancer, 10 year average life span, heart problems, etc.

Boxers belong to the group of short muzzled dogs and must be kept inside, as they cannot tolerate heat and cold.

They think they are people and must be inside and part of the active family.

The are intelligent.

They are referred to as the "clown" of all breeds, and stay "puppish" up into the years.

Google "Boxer breed".

Go to and and join.

If you have multiple dogs now, I highly recommend NOT getting a Boxer, or any other dog for that matter- but NOT A BOXER.