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Boxer playtime

19 15:42:15

hello Angela,

My now 11 month old female is a teenager & is also acting like one. we joined the local dog training club & she was very unruly but I suppose she will get around.

My husband & me both work & we are away for nearly 10 hours. My dog is generally crated as leaving her in the backyard proved disastrous as she feels anxious so she ripped it apart hence we have to until we get to start slowly again. We give an hour of our time Walking/playing & hid treats for her to find in the morning before we go to work. Then she gets a pet sitter come in usually once or twice a day to wak & play her perhaps 1/2 hr each visit is what we hope we are getting.When we go back home she gets another 3 hours of playtime before she goes to bed. the routine continues the next day. Weekend she gets a lot more as we are generally home & she also goes out where we go aswell.

My question is at home she gets bored of toys easily. What are the best games to play with her to get her tired & use up her pent up energy without overdoing it for her growing bones. She jumps& nips if we don't play with her but as mentioned before she gives up on toys easily so I rotate her toys everyday which sometime works & sometime doesn't. Any suggestions please help.


Hi Shilpa,

I would have the pet sitter walk her twice a day or at least once then you walk her for at least 20-30 minutes when you arrive home. Rotating the toys will work best. Playing Fetch with her will also relieve some energy.Using treats as a reward for bringing the toy/ball back will most likely keep her interested. Ask the sitter to play this with her too just as you do with the treats at least once per day. Toys for the crate should include Kong chew toys filled with peanut butter or cheese which can relieve her anxiety while you are gone. The sitter may have to refill these toys on her visit.I'm afraid with 10 hours gone and her being crated that long you are fighting a loosing battle as this is not productive for her so the walking will become a necessity every day for at least 1 hour total to counter her pent up energy. Some how make sure you are getting at least the service you are paying for with the sitter. Thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers