Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > RED BUMPS ON UNDERSIDE OF NECK


19 15:42:39

I have a 6yr old boxer who has red (some are flesh colored) bumps on the front of her neck. They don't seem to be itchy, I rarely see her itching them.Some form a crust, that maybe caused from her scratching when she does. One bump looked like a white head. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now and I have not introduced anything different in her diet that I recall. They do not seem to bother her but they are concerning to me. Any suggestions? Should I take her to see her vet?

Thank you!

It is an allergy or she was exposed to something- it is hard to say------ however, it can get a staph infection and spread and worsen.

You have to take her to your vet to check it, diagnose it, resolve it. I imagine the vet will put her on cortisone and antibiotics for staph.