Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 9 month old boxer wont stop peeing in kennel

9 month old boxer wont stop peeing in kennel

19 15:48:26

Hello, And thank you for taking the time to read my email!  I have had a boxer in the past, and he was a little similar to the one I have now.  His name is Myles, and he wont stop peeing. We have a golden retriever as well and he is neutered, my boxer on the other hand is not.  Do you think that maybe that has something to do with him peeing all the time?  I limit him on how much water he takes in, and it never works.  He will pee in front of me, on other people, everywhere actually!  Please help me figure this out.  I would hate to get rid of him cause he means so much to me but i can't handle coming home and giving him a bath everyday cause he pees on himself!!

Thank You,


Hi Tim,
What you have described is not normal behavior, usually there is an underlying medical condition causing this type of behavior. There are other causes and I will be glad to work out a plan for you to work with him but we really need to make sure there isn't anything medical going on or we can make it worse. Please feel free to email me after the vet visit and let me know the diagnosis and we can go from there.Neutering him will help but may not cure the problem but I'd make it a priority if I were in your shoes.I look forward to helping you and your boxer.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant