Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > knobbly knees

knobbly knees

19 15:48:26

we have a UK male boxer puppy 18 weeks . we have recently had pointed out that his front legs have a bump at the first leg join. his brother and sister don't have this . he is also not as tall as his brother and sister but is alot more muscular than his bro and sis, is this normal? thanks gareth soutar

Both front legs?

This sounds like a genetic birth defect.

I cannot diagnose it without a picture to view- but simply take him to your vet and ask him to check it out- since he is so young- maybe there is a solution.

I've not heard of such an issue with Boxers before- do you know his parents history? Breeders history?

Does he walk unusual? Does he seem to be in pain when walking, or any discomfort? Does it inhibit him at all?