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2 Boxers - 1 male & 1 female...

19 15:58:10

Our first boxer, Daisy, is 2 years old (DOB 10/28/05). We bought her from a private owner in December 2005. She was spayed in May 2006. On September 28, 2007 we adopted a male boxer, Duke, from the Louisiana Boxer Rescue. He is 17 mos old (DOB 7/21/06). Lately, I have noticed Daisy humps Duke a lot - mainly while playing. Is this just her way of saying that she rules the house?

Hi Laura,

Yep, that's exactly it.  :)  Humping is often not sexual in adult dogs (aside from breeding purposes) but is used to express dominance.

It's up to you if you let it go on.  I'd suggest teaching her that it's not ok...eventually Duke may have enough of it and snap at her.  If you curb it before that happens things should be good.  :)