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Boxer stroke/illness

19 15:42:38

QUESTION: Our 9 year old white boxer has always been active and although we lost her twin sister last year to a tumour related condition, Daisy has remained healthy.  Over the past few weeks she has shown signs of deterioration:
she is less active
she is panting for long periods of time
we have had to put a fan on in the evenings even when the air has cooled
she has become less agile
her left jowl has drooped and she has started drooling from there (only in past seven days)
when being taken for walk tonight she was not walking in straight line, favouring her left hand side
these symptoms are at their worst in the evening, every morning she is lively, excited and thrilled to see us in that way boxers have!
when she is lying down she stops panting

In the run up to losing her sister, Millie, last summer, Millie would sit by the open door as if gasping for breath and trying to get air into her lungs (she had tumours round them we found out)

I know we may be over-reacting about Daisy in light of our loss last year, but other people have mentioned that Daisy seems to be going downhill very quickly; although these have all been people who have only seen her in the evenings when she exhibits these traits (apart from the droopy jowl)

It has been very hot here in the UK for the past month and I realise that Boxers don't do heat so she has been kept in the shade when we have taken her out and all doors to our home left open in the day time to ensure fresh air passing through.

Any advice you feel able to give would be so very much appreciated.
Many thanks
Alex Johnson
Devon, England

ANSWER: You CANNOT leave a Boxer outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She has had a heat stroke!!!!!!!!!!

Get her to your VET ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have allowed her to remain out in the heat too long- knowing that Boxers cannot take heat--- some time has passed with her being too hot- even though you did not realize, and even though you thought shade would help- she MUST have cool temperatures- not just a breeze.

Neurological damage has already shown the signs- get her to you VET ASAP!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so very much - we havent actually left her outside! She comes with us whenever we go out and all car windows are open wide and she is never left alone in the car.  She always has access to plenty of water but i take your point.  Oh dear the guilt that we may have inadvertently been contributing to this episode. We shall get her to the vet asap.  
My partner smokes  and i was wondering if this could negatively affect her even though he keeps doors open when he does have a cigarette.
Again your valuable advice would be much appreciated.

With grateful thanks
Alex Johnson

Everyone and every living animal is allergic to cigarette smoke- even the smoker is allergic.

Boxers are short nosed and don't breathe as easily as a long-nose breed- and that is one reason that cannot tolerate heat- they must remain in temperatures of the 70s (74,75,76,77) therebouts-- they get hot when people feel normal.
Bulldogs and Pits do too.

But do not smoke in an enclosed area with the Boxer.