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8 Week Male Boxer: Possible Liver Shunt

19 15:42:26

Five days ago I became the proud owner of Brody, my 8 week old Boxer. I have been waiting for his arrival for a long time. He is smaller than his litter mates, and I was aware of this when he "choose" me. On my second day of having Brody home, I felt that something wasn't quite right with him. He seems very lethargic, does not "play" at all, and he is very underweight, to the point where his ribs are exposed. He also seems so sad. He does eat all of his food however, and has no problem urinating or having a bowel movement.

I immediately took him to the Vet, and they suspected he had a Portal Liver Shunt, and would do a blood test, as well as take a stool sample to check for parasites. The next day, the Vet called and explained to me that the test result was negative for the shunt, but she was still not going to rule it out. She did explain that his protein levels are high, and he is very anemic. His stool sample was clean as well. She did say there was a slim chance that it could be hookworms, and that the dewormer he had received would  take care of that. I was told the best thing we could do is wait this out and see what happens. I have another appointment in three days for him to be evaluated again. He is eating wet food every three hours, as well as solid food down all day. He sleeps constantly, and only wakes up for brief periods to eat, use the bathroom, and may "play" with me for a few minutes.

Has anyone encountered this before? I am so worried about him!

No, this is the first-- and not normal.

I sure hope your vet is a savvy vet, because this has got to be resolved.

Diabetes test, thyroid text, x-rays or ultra-sound, stool samples, blood tests for everything- all of it.

Make sure your vet does it all- and tests for all.

Something is not right. He should be running and playing to exhaustion and weary you out.