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19 15:47:49

I recently got a 5 month old male fawn boxer a couple days ago. And i don't know if he's homesick because he just lies around and sleeps all day. We try to play with him but he only plays for a couple minutes then he goes to his usual spot and lays. He is inside all day with me and we put him out to sleep, so it isn't like he doesn't get any attention because he does. So is it normal for a 5 month old to act this way?

Hi Becky,
Most breeds sleep an average of 14 hours in a 24 hour period,which includes short naps, long naps,etc add up to this. At the age of this puppy he should be way more active than this, a vet visit is in order to have him checked out. He probably is homesick to some degree and you must take into consideration that you are now his pack and give him all the support you can. I personally would not put him out to sleep but allow him to be near you inside. Being pack animals dogs thrive in a inside family environment where they are part of the family. Try walking him twice a day for 15-30 minutes each to bond with him and to ease the transition into your home and family.It is an important daily activity for canines to walk as this is a natural instinct that they do for miles a day.I'm not saying you need to walk this puppy for miles a day as he's too young for that until a year old but short walks 15-30 minutes long will greatly reduce any anxiety the pup has which is normal when introduced into a new environment. Start a regular routine and be consistent with it on a daily basis,feed him at the same time,walk him at the same time, potty breaks at the same times, this way the puppy learns the rules of the home and becomes adjusted better. Get him some interactive dog toys to stimulate him and relieve boredom when your not able to supervise him or play with him, like a kong chew toy filled with peanut butter or search for interactive dog toys to get an idea of what these are. These types of toys also help the natural instinct of scavenging that canines do instinctual but keeps them out of trouble like getting into the trash can, chewing on inappropriate items like furniture or personal belongings and stimulates a safe activity which can improve their activity level.One other consideration boxers have a single coat layer of fur not a double layered coat as most breeds and they cannot take extreme outside temperatures whether hot or cold, they are best suited to live indoors.If potty habits are a concern crate training him will greatly help with this.I hope this information helps you and please feel free to contact me for any additional questions or help if needed.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant