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Boxer Birth Weight

19 15:47:49

Is there a range of healthy birth weights for boxer puppies? I am interested in bringing home a new puppy but was concerned that the pup was the smallest of the litter, and may be very small when full grown.  She was 14 oz, and the rest of the litter (5 pups)were between 17-20 oz.  


ANSWER: You haven't told me her age-- but Boxer puppies are generally 1 pound + at birth.

As in any newborn, they loose an ounce or two the first few days, then add weight back rapidly.

If she is smaller than her siblings, she is the runt. The breeder should be supplementing her diet with a homemade formula and mom's milk both. The breeder can bottle feed her in between her nursing using a regular baby bottle with a nipple most like mom's.

An excellent homemade formula:

In a blender:


1 12oz. can evaporated milk (not condensed)
1 raw egg
1 cup plan, whole yogurt (no flavors)
1/2 teaspoon white syrup (Kayro syrup or generic brand)

Blend and pour into sealed pitcher or container and add 6 0z. of bottled water, or sterilized water to the formula and mix.

Feed the baby as often as she is hungry.

She will get fattened in no time flat. I had three (3) vets approve this formula and had 6 healthy, fat, butterball puppies on it with mom, but mom didn't produce enough milk so I supplemented.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks!  She is now 4 weeks and weighs 4lbs 11oz.  Her siblings are now between 5lb 1oz - 5lb 10oz.  

I was just wondering if she would be smaller than average as an adult.  Or if it's even possible to tell at this age.  Her mom is 55lbs and dad is 70lbs.

Thanks again!

Both her parents are considered small-intermediateness in size, as 55lbs. for mom is average, 70lbs. for dad is a tad small. Male Boxers are generally 80lbs. or more- but 70lbs. is okay.

There are smaller Boxers in bone structure and height, and of course weight for the frame. Then there are medium and larger Boxers- all depending on their genetics; small framed, medium framed and large framed, with weight accordingly.

She will be a smaller Boxer. One of my girls is 60 lbs. and fluctuates from 50lbs. to 62-63lbs. non-pregnant, and is small boned-framed and not tall at all- yet the sire of her litters in large framed, taller and weight 85lbs. All her litters were more like her in size once they matured...

So your girl will be smaller like her parents- and the runt always catches up to the siblings, unless there is health issues.

Most the time, the runt ends up being the best of the litter!