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To Spade or not to spade?

19 15:50:03

We have a 16 week female boxer that our vet recommended we have spade.  I thought 16 wks was a bit early but she said "NO".  Just wanted another opinion, as this is my first puppy.  I have read many different ideas out there from 6 wks to 1 year.  Or that this early could effect her growth (something with the growth plates?)

Just looking for some good advice.


Personally, I wouldn't spay (not spade) until at least 6-7 months old. Preferably before her first heat (which is usually 1 year old).......

The vet recommends it for different reasons. Not knowing the vet, I couldn't say-- but I have come across vets that want the money for the procedure when it's not warranted yet.

I'm not saying that is the case with your vet, but some are quick draw.

I would want her to be 6-7-8 months old so she can handle it and the stitches. She is young and too active and can bust her stitches and over do herself at 4 months old.

This is my opinion.

Her growth is still spurting, and yes, it can effect her hormones for growth.