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6 year old femal and an 8 week old femal

19 15:42:41

QUESTION: Hello, we have a 6 year old female along with a 10 year old male.  A friend needs to find a home for a 8 week old female.  Is there a big enough age difference in the two females to avoid the whole fighting thing or could we still have problems

Thank you, Vaden

ANSWER: Hi Vaden,

You should have little or no problems with a female puppy that young growing up with your seniors. Just remember to let the puppy get attention last, feed it last ,etc, be sure to show your older dogs attention first, pack order so to speak. Spaying would also be a good idea to help keep down any conflicts too. Let the elders control the puppy, as it will surely get into trouble but it has to learn its place within the pack. If you begin scolding your elders they will surely reject the puppy. Good luck and thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Angela, we got the Puppy Murphy seems ok, Sophie smelled her licked her and then she kinda snapped at the back of her neck. Is this normal.  I am kind of nervous right now, any suggestions on the transition?

Hi Vaden,

Sounds like Sophie might have been trying to pick her up by biting at the back of her neck, that is the way canine's carry their young. Just keep a close eye on them and don't leave the puppy alone with them for awhile. Stay as calm as possible so they don't pick up on your nervous energy, don't anticipate anything happening so to speak. Crate the puppy at night and when you can't supervise them. It will take a few weeks for everyone to settle down. Good luck and congratulations on Murphy !

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant