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Boxers and Cats

19 15:56:08

My family and I are planing to get a cat very soon. I was wondering how do boxers react to new members of the family (including a cat.) A person is coming over to see my boxer's reaction to the cat. If the reaction is good we are keeping the cat, but I wanted to know is there something I should be of concern if to say my family and I aren't home?

Well generally Boxers get along with cats but if raised with the cat.

My Boxer barks at cats and does not get along with cats- but was not raised with one in the family structure.

It's 50-50 on the reaction.

A Boxer puppy that comes home to a family with a cat already, learns the cat is family and plays.

However, a Boxer that does not have a cat within the family and is already older, might chase the cat and have a hissy-fit.

It is a crap shoot. My bet is the Boxer will bark and chase the cat.