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boxer 2/6 heart mumur

19 15:56:09

I got a boxer puppy in March, she had a stage 6 murmur, return her to the breeder per my vet.  Now we got another boxer Saturday, different breeder, she's 6 weeks. Took her to the vet today, she has a 2/6 heart murmur, the vet would like to watch this for the next 2 visits to see if this will clear. I don't know what to do, should I return this puppy to the breeder. Please give what you would do, I am so disappointed.  Thank you, Margie


Unless you're planning on breeding from these bitches or just don't have the funds available for future medical problems, I'm not sure why your vet is telling you to return them.  

In any case, it isn't out of the realm for a Boxer puppy to have a slight murmur.  The reason your vet wants to watch it is, yes, to see if it will clear, however, 2 visits won't accomplish this.  It can take several months for a puppy to outgrow a murmur.

I, personally, wouldn't have returned the first dog and wouldn't return the second but that's a decision that you need to make.  I would have a discussion with your veterinarian with regards to possible future health problems and decide if they are what you can handle and/or afford.

More concerning is that you purchased from a breeder that sold puppies at 6 weeks.  A proper breeder will keep them until 8 weeks...sometimes even 10 or 12.  A puppy goes through several learning stages and some things that should have been learned from the dam and littermates will now be your responsibility if you want to have a well behaved adult.

If you Google 'puppy learning stages' you'll find several sites...gather as much information as you can!  You'll be happier in the long run if you put in the work now!

Good luck!