Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > aggressive at times

aggressive at times

19 15:49:08

hi we have a brother and sister 8mth old boxers who most t imes are great.but something kicks in and they really start to go at it,(fight). .my wife is even afraid to break it up so i hope it only happens when im home.but afterwards they will sleep ontop each other and everything is fine.this is our 1st time with 2 dogs,any suggestions thanks steve

It is typical of the fighting, especially with opposite genders and siblings.

You need to get this under control and fast, before they are older.

Buy an obnoxious sounding whistle and blow it when they fight. Separate them, put each in a crate separate, for 10 minutes.

If you do not have crates, then separate them into two different rooms, doors closed, for 10 minutes.

If you can not do that, leash each one, and take them into separate rooms for 10 minutes.

Be consistent and enforce this the each and every time. Be sure to verbally reprimand them, and be consistent with the verbal reprimand also.

They will soon associate this with the bad behavior and stop soon.