Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 18 month old boxer mix poops 6 times within a hour

18 month old boxer mix poops 6 times within a hour

19 15:41:23

Hi I have a 18 month old boxer/pit bull mix and for as long as I have had her...all her life she has been pooping alot.....its not just in the mornings either. Basically anytime I put her outside she poops 4 to 7 times in the little amount of time she is out there. The poop isnt really hard bowels either....some are softer than others. We have switched her food to actr1um the holistic kind because my other older boxer mix has allergies to grain and anything grain fed so both dogs are on a fish based food. This hasn't helped either. I am at  my wits end because I spend most of my time outside picking up her poop. Is there a reason why she poops so much or is there something that may be wrong with her? I just want her to poop less and be healthy. Thanks in Advance for any advice you can give me

Hi Kristen,
You really should have the vet take a look at her.It could be parasites. But in most cases its the food, changing food upsets the digestive tract every time you change foods and usually the higher the protein content in the food the more the dog will go. Thanks for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers