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Blind White Boxer

19 15:49:08

QUESTION: I was hoping you might be able to give some advice on how to stimulate a blind boxer's mind.  He gets taken for a walk about twice daily. But he seems so bored and unruly at times almost frustrated.

ANSWER: Working and training with your blind Boxer (as long as his is not deaf too)is beneficial in keeping his mind active and stimulated, but also provides quality time with him. He needs reassurance and love in a dark and empty world.

Since he can hear, you can sit on the floor with him at his level, hold him hug him, pet and stroke him, gently massage the muscles on the back of his neck, and touch, touch, touch, talk, talk, talk.

Buy him a king-sized KONG toy and fill it with KONG treats, or peanut butter, etc. (be creative) and allow him to use his natural instincts to enjoy it. Nyla bones are great for occupying his sense of feel- by chewing, too. Balls that have ridges, softer stuffed toys that squeek (supervise these as he can chew and destroy it and get to the squeeking mechanism and choke- but supervise him when you let him play with it: the softness and sound is stimulating. Think of his toys as his world of touch and sound. Give him things that can stimulate those.

Walks are good as long as he is comfortable with it and not afraid due to being blind. Playing with him in the fenced back yard is an outdoor adventure of smells, sounds and feel.

His world consists of hearing, feeling, smelling (scent) and audio.

He lives in a scary, dark world, and uses his sense of smell for identification, his sense of hearing for identification, and touch/feel for human contact and sense of love and reassurance.

Blind dogs:

Here's some brief info on white Boxers (not blind nor deaf- just general) that's interesting and well-rounded:

Please read those web sites and see if there is any info that helps you and please, email me ( ) and let me know how it is helping and keep me updated.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I guess I should have mentioned that he is at a foster home for the Bluegrass Boxer Rescue.  There are about 6 other boxers there as well.  No other special need boxers tho.  He has 1 or 2 other boxers that he likes to play with the others dont seem to like his energy.  I've adopted one of his playmates.  But I wanted to get close to him as well in hopes of someday soon adopting him as well.  But for now I was trying to help the foster mom out as she has her hands full with him.

Pass the information and the web sites on to the foster mom, and Bluegrass Boxer Rescue for the care takers to have and learn.

If you adopt him, it will be rewarding and loving, and keeping him socialized with other Boxers is good, but change is scary, so remember, if you adopt him, give him assurance and comfort during his transition.