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deworming a litter of puppies

19 15:41:43

My boxer had a litter of six puppies and they are four weeks old.  What age should I start deworming them?  Also, when should I introduce them to food, because they are always hungry.


Happy holidays


They are old enough. Buy de-worming medicine from your vet and not over-the-counter.

I highly recommend Strongid T. It needs to be refrigerated and you give it 3-4 times, 2 weeks apart. Mark it on your calendar.

DO NOT feed a litter of youngins hard puppy chow, as they have the "get it before they do or I won't get any" attitude and scoff it down and choke.

Pick a puppy chow that you want, and soak a container full in water.

When softened, put into a blender and set it on "grate, or shred."

Add water as necessary to make it a "mashed potato" consistency.

Be sure it is fairly runny for these youngins.

I always gave my litters a mixture of 1/2 evaporated (not condensed) milk and 1/2 water solution after they eat.

Feed these little ones every 2 hours around the clock if necessary-- even during the night.