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boxer chewing through crate

19 15:56:43

How do I stop my 1 year old Boxer whom we adopted several days ago to stop chewing up and destroying his crate?

Hi Lisa. You said you just adopted this boy a few days ago. Do you know what his past was like? If he was never crate trained before, then it may take some time getting him use to it. How long is he staying in the crate? I'd try for just a few minutes at a time at first, just to get him use to it. He's also very young, with a ton of energy. You may want to try to wear him out good before putting him in it. Take him for a long walk, or let him run himself out in the yard, if you have a fenced in yard. A tired Boxer won't protest so much when being put into the crate. It may take some time, so patience is required, especially if this boy didn't have the best of home before. Obediences classes may help as well. Also, I don't know what type of crate you're using, but you may want to consider getting a metal crate if you don't already have one. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know!