Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > shedding


19 15:53:46

we have a 9 month old boxer who sheds excessive since day 1.the vet says it's normal but,at the dog park,the other boxer owners say there boxer does not shed.wus up with that?is there any thing we can do?my carpet and furniture is ruined.tx 4 ur help

Some shedding is certainly normal, and at the change of seasons it can get excessive.  A high-quality diet and regular grooming with a curry comb or Zoom Groom can improve skin and coat condition and get rid of dead hair, so that shedding is minimized.  Supplementing with fish body oil can help, as well, and is good for the heart.

The website reviews and ranks most commercial foods, and is a good starting point for finding a high-quality food.  At 9 months I'd be hesitant to go to a grain-free formula, but at 18-24 months you could make that switch.  

Good luck!