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cont. heat/spay

19 15:42:20

I have a 6 yr old boxer I rescued 2 1/2 yrs ago. She was extremely malnourished and in shock. She had to be feed every two hours small portions given nutri-cal. Needless to say after much love, care and patience she recovered and is now very active and happy. I never had her spayed because she was used for breeding %26 once she could no longer have babies they decided to just starve her. She has always had cycles though. Lately it appears her cycles are becoming more and more frequent and she is losing weight.  I thought the weight loss was due to switching dog foods which she let me know was a big mistake because she refused to eat it (she's just a bit spoiled. She eats a mixture of kibble and raw.  Now all of the sudden my neighbors male dogs are coming around and they never have before. She is very active and seems healthy. Very energetic. Loves to go for hikes. I am just afraid there might be an underlying condition especially with what all she has been through. Should I have her spayed at her age and could that be traumatic? Any helpful advice would really be appreciated. She is so wonderful. She is so loyal and loving.

Thank you so much

Hi Misty,

Thank you for your question about your boxer rescue. I'd advise talking with your vet and determining through a health screen with your vet the best possible route to take. She is most likely able to have puppies or the neighborhood males wouldn't be interested, they are the best judges ! Don't let her out of your sight when she's in heat or you may end up with an unwanted litter. In my opinion its best to spay or neuter a dog who isn't in a quality breeding program as it isn't fair to the animal not being able to mate which is a natural instinct plus you can reduced the likelihood of other reproductive diseases.I commend you on adopting your boxer.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers