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boxer problems driving me crazy

19 15:55:17

my boxer boy, hemi is one. he started out a very smart and obdent puppy. whenhe turned around 6 months old he stop, and ever sence has been behaving badly. he has a very goffy persernaittly he enjoys hoping and runing and playing all times 24/7 and drving ppl crazy. we had many nabor complants about him geting in there garden and geting into their and ous trash. we have to keep him in the fence on a chain but it dosnt seem right! he should be able to run around are yard and stay in it. i dont know  what to do. my main concern is he still trys to jump the fence on chain or crawls under it and leves open scapes o nealy chocking himself to death. i cant watch him 24/7 and iv reached the end of my rope. he sits and comes better now but anything else he ignors iv tryed treats chain hiting yelling prasing nothing works, he jumps on ppl to, being a very strong dog it concerns hell accdently hurt me or my family. plz help!

-jasmine, goffy hemi-

He's an adolescent and is testing his boundaries, as adolescents do.  It also sounds as if you're leaving him out in the yard unattended, which means he's bored, and finding ways to amuse himself.  This is typical of an intelligent, creative breed like the Boxer!

You need to sign up for a training class with him; look for a positive-reinforcement based class, as punishment and corrections are typically not especially effective on Boxers, especially young males - as you've found.  Observe a class or two before you sign up - the goal is to teach you how to relate to and teach him, not to have someone else do the training for you.

He also needs to come in the house when you're not home.  Aside from practical considerations like the fact that Boxers are not physically equipped to be outdoors in all weather, and the risks of injury, insect stings (Boxers are prone to anaphylactic reactions), theft, malicious neighbors, etc., he's also proven to you that he can't be trusted outside alone, and so he cannot be left outside alone.  Once you're in a training class and start teaching him good manners, you can work on teaching him the boundaries of the yard, but until then you can't give him the opportunity to get into trouble.  Crate train him, and for his own safety keep him crated when you're not home or you can't watch him.  Generally by about 3 years of age Boxers are able to be left inside uncrated, but each dog has their own timeline (and he's getting a late start, so it might take him a bit longer).  

Good luck!