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19 15:47:33

My 9 yr old boxer has developed a few large lumps on his body, one inbetween his shoulder blades which seems to be getting bigger and one on the side by his ribs which is bothering him as it keeps scabbing up and bleeding, he keeps bitting at it along with a few other one that seem to be appearing any advise would be great, we are going to the vet on Thursday.
thank you

Hello Vicki,

Any time there are lumps under the skin or anywhere on the body- requires a vet's attention immediately.

Lumps (plural) are a sign of cancer. One lump could simply be a sebaceous cyst and can be lanced- but multiple lumps is a bad indication- and he is 9 years old; the older the more prone.

I would see your vet as soon as possible-- you can possible catch it in time for treatment, and if not- give him the best quality of life for the time he has remaining.

General health issues in the Boxer breed (lumps are listed)

Please let me know what your vet diagnosed, and good luck to you and your boy. I will keep good thoughts your way for a good diagnosis and healthy outcome.