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Behavior Concern

19 15:58:06

Hi Nicole,

I have a six year old female Boxer that has been displaying some strange behavior off and on over the last 7 months. It usually starts with not eating in the morning (she is fed 2x per day) and the balance of the day she will not leave my wife or my side.  She actually will sit and lean on you no matter if you are standing or sitting. This could last anywhere from a day or two. (usually eating here meal in the evening) We have had many Boxers over the years and not one has displayed this type of behaviour.  
We are not sure if something is ailing her or she is trying to tell us something?  Have you ever experienced this before and if so, do you have any suggestions?

Hi Gary,

I would definitely have the vet give her a check-up.  Changes in behavior often indicate an illness, especially in a senior dog (she's close).

I would have a blood panel done, specifically checking for thyroid issues which are very common in Boxers, and a urinalysis to check kidney function.

If there is nothing physically wrong with her, try to think if anything in her environment has changed that could have upset her.  A move to a new house, a rearrangement of furniture, a new family member, new pet, etc.  Sometimes things that aren't even a second thought to us can throw them off.

Barring any physical ailments (please do get this checked out first and as soon as possible), how you respond to her is going to be key.  Put her food down for 15 minutes.  What she doesn't eat, pick up and don't feed her until her next meal (this includes no treats, table scraps, etc.).  When she leans on you, which can be construed as a sign of dominance, move.  Don't touch her, make eye contact or speak to her.  Just move.  Don't let her initiate call her to you for a pat or cuddle.

Get her to the vet, let me know what he/she says and we'll go from there.  :)