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Nasal congestion

19 15:42:11

Hi i have just bought a seven week old boxer puppy and she seems to snort like she has nasal congestion should this be happening

A lot of the time, newborns will have congestion to watch out for. Antibiotics are good to help prevent any secondary infection-- and is caused from body temperature fluctuation at birth until they can regulate their own body temperatures.

Going from warm to cooler back to warm, etc. can give them a cold.

At 7 weeks old, he should have gotten over it by now.

Please take him to your vet, ask for an oral antibiotic and get a syringe to measure the cc's and squirt into his mouth with...

Keep his room temperatures the same and consistent without fluctuation. No air conditioning drafts, etc.

But please do take him to your vet- make sure he has been wormed, get his first series of shots, and ask your vet about his care during this treatment.