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1 year old boxer

19 15:57:31

Our 1 year old boxer is such fun but recently he growls and barks at my husband (in a playful way). It is only my husband he does this to and when you tell him NO, he just barks louder and jumps around.  Why is this.

Hi Louise,

Because at some point your husband thought it was funny and encouraged it, whether it was one time or ten.  By yelling 'NO' at him, you're only barking back and continuing the game...and in his mind, it is a game.

When he displays this behavior, tell your husband to cross his arms and turn his back, completely ignoring the dog.  If the dog continues to jump, tell your husband to walk away.  Completely ignoring means no eye contact, no touch and no talk.

It'll take a bit of time to break him of this because it has become a habit.  Keep at the ignoring and eventually he'll understand that his antics aren't getting him the attention he wants.

On the flip side, be sure to pay attention to him when he's calm and quiet.  This will lead him to understand that that is the desired behavior.

Crazy = Ignored
Calm = Attention