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10 month old boxer

19 15:40:06

We recently moved, been here one month.  This home has a yard and in the morning when the ground is damp, he has discovered digging.  Any suggestions on how to stop the digging?

We have another 4 1/2 year old female boxer and they are the best of friends (in love:).  Even with her companionship, he is becoming more needy for people attention and when she is gone with us and he is home (he is my son's dog - who does live at home), he really goes crazy.  He just seems more agitated, needy, anxious than he did a couple months ago.  They play alot, but lately he wants to be inside all the time, whines more at night (crate trained - for the most part), and seems unsettled (getting into the trash, ripping his bed apart, breaking out of his crate).  

We are looking for some solutions to the problem.  


Dogs like routine.

A move can be traumatic and apparently your 10 month old know no other home than your previous home. This can make him insecure. Any major change can make him insecure.

Insecurities can manifest in many ways; one being, anxiousness, agitation, being needy and clingy, and destructive behavior as well.

Wanting to be inside all the time is classic of wanting to be near family in fear of family leaving him.

Whining is his insecurity of being trapped and helpless to his surroundings and unable to control his life; afraid being crated and family abandoning him in an environment he is insecure in- another house that is not his yet.

I do suggest allowing him to be with the 4 1/2 year old female at all times; outside together at the same time, eat together, sleep together every night, go everywhere together. Do not take her and leave him at home: that only adds to his insecurities.

You must treat him as you would her; you must treat him as you do her; you must treat him as a pair (with her); you must treat him as you own him too- not your son.

You cannot split ownership in the same household and treat two dogs differently- you will get jealousy, insecurity, anxiousness, and cause severe problems and possibly permanent damage.

Begin by treating them the same and allowing them to be together at all times; going places together, sleeping together, etc.

Buy a whistle. When he is destructive, blow the whistle and verbally reprimand him with easy commands. Be consistent.

Let me know how the change works for you. In time, he will feel more secure with your changes.