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2 Boxers fighting

19 15:42:19

I have a 15 mth old and a 18 mth old boxers.  We adotpted the younger one about 5 mths ago.  The dogs got along great but about a month ago have been having serious fights.  Its mostly the older one who starts it if the other one is getting attention(he's jealous) how do I stop this? Also I can see the older one will just pick on the other one, the way he looks at him I can tell he wants to fight...Help

Is the 15 month old a male?

The older one is trying to hold onto the alpha position which the younger one is challenging.

I would presume they are both male.

You must establish yourself as the alpha- not them.

Try this trick:

One at a time, sit one before you. Place his food bowl on the kitchen counter or table full of dog food.

Place cookies or crackers on the table or counter behind the dog bowl.

Stand at eat them one by one without looking at the dog.

When finished eating, place his dog bowl down in front of him and tell him it is okay to eat.

Continue this one at a time with each dog at every feeding for 2-3 weeks.

In the wild, the alpha always eats first, and all he wants. When finished he tells the pack that they can eat- and not before. They sit and wait for his permission.

This will trigger their natural instinct of their wild heritage and the alpha procedure.

As far as the fighting, you will need to leash both, have two people, one for each dog.

When aggression begins, take the aggressor and push him down to the floor or ground and hold him in the submissive position for 2-3 minutes until calm and submissive on his own.

Continue this until the aggression ceases altogether.

Let me know in 3 weeks how the progress is.